Futures Studio project is carried out by ARMENIA 2041 Charity Foundation, which is an independent non-profit organization that conducts analytics and hosts discussions. We engage various members of our society in open debates and private discussions about business, politics, economics, culture, education & healthcare to shape regional agendas. We use our extensive network to attract best knowledge from around the globe, and actively disseminate the results of our work. Connecting intelligent people from different walks of life leads to progress.

Within the series of interviews “Talk about the future” on July 22, at 19:00 Yerevan time (GMT + 4), Futures Studio will host the Senior Consultant and Program Manager of “CMPartners and The Bridgeway Group” – Arthur Martirosyan. We will raise and discuss issues related to the image of the future of Armenia, Artsakh and Armenians around the world. The series of interviews will be moderated by journalist Mark Grigorian.
All of these issues are directly related to the recently launched public Initiative The FUTURE ARMENIAN and its 15 goals.
Сhallenges of the current education system and the experience of independent schools
On July 16, at 6:00 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT + 4) Futures Studio will host an online panel discussion “The main problems and challenges of the current education system: the experience of independent schools”.
Talk about the future: Hratch Tchilingirian
Within the series of interviews “Talk about the future” on July 15, at 19:00 Yerevan time (GMT + 4), Futures Studio will host sociologist of Armenian Studies, University of Oxford – Dr Hratch Tchilingirian. We will raise and discuss issues related to the image of the future of Armenia, Artsakh and Armenians around the world. The series of interviews will be moderated by journalist Mark Grigorian.
Discussion platform hosts discussions with various experts on current relevant topics, in different formats, including the future of Armenia and Armenian world.
Analytics team provides our platform with the most interesting and informative written analytics. We are especially interested in conducting research on development issues facing Armenia.
Your contribution to the Futures Studio project will help fundamentally improve opportunities for the Armenian nation to thrive. You can make a contribution to Futures Studio which is an independent not-for-profit organisation by transferring funds directly to the foundation bank account in Armenia established with the purpose of supporting Discussion Platform and our Analytics.