Hovhannes Sargsyan and Norayr Dunamalyan: Transformation of Civil Identity in Armenia: the Development of Institutions and the Logic of Social Protest

Discussion date and time
April 25
5 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT+4)
The webinar, to be held on April 25, 5 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT+4), will host experts Hovhannes Sargsyan, Head of the Department of Political Science at Russian-Armenian University (RAU) and Head of Laboratory for Strategic Research on National Security Issues (RAU) and Norayr Dunamalyan, Senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science at RAU AND Senior Researcher at Laboratory for Strategic Research on National Security Issues (RAU).
The development of civic identity in Armenia has a certain scope conditioned both by historical memory and the level of political culture of the society. The history of independent Armenia is indicative of those restricting factors, which in turn relates to some peculiarities of the formation of institutions and reorganization of political elites. Although after the “Velvet Revolution” those borders have been preserved, the growth of civic consciousness gave hope that the Armenian society value system can be re-evaluated and the archaic stereotypes can be broken by civic elements.
The main topics of the Webinar will be:
- The ratio of ethno-cultural and civic identity of the Armenian society;
- The level of trust in public institutions;
- Political decisions and social protest;
- The political side of the new economic approaches.
The discussion will be held in Armenian. The participation is free. You can join the online webinar by Zoom link (please register below) or by live streaming on Facebook.
You are welcome to send your questions to the speakers via crossroads@rvvzfoundation.org e-mail before the start of the discussion.