Dr. Shakeh Kaftarian and Mrs. Maro Matosian: Domestic Violence and Isolation

Discussion date and time
April 21, 2020
7:00 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT+4)
4:00 p.m. London time (GMT)
11:00 a.m. EST (UTC-5)
8:00 a.m. PST (UTC-8)
The webinar will take place on April 21 at 7 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT+4), with Dr. Shakeh Kaftarian – psychologist, Co-President of the Armenian American Mental Health Association of Southern California, and Mrs. Maro Matosian – founder of the “Women’s Support Center” in Yerevan, one of the founding members of the “Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women” and expert in the field by the Council of Europe.
Dr. Kaftarian and Mrs. Matosian will hold “Domestic Violence and Isolation” webinar as part of a series of webinars under the umbrella of “COVID-19: Defying universal fear” with various healthcare professionals. This series of webinars are prepared and held by Futures Studio, powered by FAST.
The webinar will describe domestic violence in terms of its:
- causes, nature, features, specificity, cycle;
- how it differs from other forms of abuse;
- the physical and emotional trauma that victims of domestic violence and their children sustain during and after domestic violence;
- and its long-term destructive impact on society.
Dr. Kaftarian and Mrs. Matosian will also point out why it’s urgent to address domestic violence during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, when the stress levels are high, and physical distancing has mandated the constant proximity of abusers and their victims.
The discussion will be held in English. The participation is free. You can join the online webinar by Zoom link (please register below) or by live streaming on Facebook.
You are welcome to send your questions to the speakers before the discussion to crossroads@rvvzfoundation.org.