Edward Sandoyan and Armen Yeghiazaryan: Formation of the Economic Policy of Armenia during and after COVID-19

Discussion date and time
April 28
5 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT+4)
An online discussion will take place on April 28 at 5 p.m. Yerevan time (GMT+4), with Edward Sandoyan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economics and Business of the Russian-Armenian University, the former Minister of Finance and Economy of RA (1998-1999), and Armen Yeghiazaryan, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Problems of Transition Economics of the Russian-Armenian University, former Minister of Economy of RA (1993-1995).
The panel discussion will be about the forecasting the spread of COVID-19 virus and the trends of the pandemic in Armenia, assessing the economic consequences, as well as analyzing approaches to mitigate and overcome the crisis. Particular attention will be paid to the problems of public regulation of the economy before, during and after the pandemic. The impact of the economic crisis in various countries is predetermined by resource and regulatory constraints and competitive disadvantages or advantages that reduce or increase the growth of national economies.
The discussion will be held in Russian. The participation is free. You can join the online webinar by Zoom link (please register below) or by live streaming on Facebook.
You are welcome to send your questions to the speaker before the discussion to FuturesStudio@rvvzfoundation.org.